Rosedale Dental



How to Carefully Choose the Right Dentist For You

Posted by MarketDental on Fri, 18 Mar 2022

• 2 Big Misconceptions About Dental Care• The 5 Questions You Must Ask Before Choosing a Dentist• 3 Recommendations to Ensure You Have Healthy Teeth and A Great SmileTHE SMART CONSUMER GUIDE TO How to Carefully Choose the Right Dentist For You “What No One Ever Told You About Oral Health and Your Smile”By: Dr. Maria Morales RollinsonThis Special Report Is For Everyone Who Smiles . . . 2 | The Smart Consumer’s Guide to Choosing The Right Dentist...

How to Carefully Choose the Right Dentist For You, Dentist Thornhill, Dental Clinic Thornhill

Do I need to floss my child’s teeth?

Posted by Rosedale Dental on Thu, 30 Dec 2021

Flossing is important for both children and adults as it removes bacteria and food below the gumline that can cause gingivitis, periodontitis and dental decay. Once a child’s first tooth erupts it is imperative to keep it/them as clean as possible through both brushing and when subsequent teeth erupt flossing. Brushing is important because it removes dental plaque from above the gumline, whereas flossing removes the plaque from below. In children, spaces typically exist between the...

Do I need to floss my child’s teeth?, Dentist Thornhill, Dental Clinic Thornhill

Oral health and pregnancy

Posted by Rosedale Dental on Tue, 28 Dec 2021

During pregnancy it is important to have excellent oral health! One aspect of pregnancy that some women may not consider is dental care. It is important to have regular (possibly more frequent) professional oral health care during pregnancy. Research indicates that the health or the oral cavity (or lack of) can affect a growing fetus. Follow these tips below for healthy teeth during pregnancy… Poor Dental Health May Affect Your Delivery Research shows that pregnant women who have or...

Oral health and pregnancy, Dentist Thornhill, Dental Clinic Thornhill

Myths about dental insurance

Posted by Rosedale Dental on Fri, 24 Dec 2021

Here are some common misconceptions about dental insurance… Myth #1: My Dental insurance will cover everything – I have 100% coverage. Dental insurance is not really insurance at all – it is a benefit plan that helps to pay some of the costs of dental care. Your dental plan has a set of fees that they will pay up to. Your dentist generally has the same fees as other dentists. The fee reflects the quality of the treatment that you receive as well as the cost to provide it. Often there...

Myths about dental insurance, Dentist Thornhill, Dental Clinic Thornhill

Snoring and sleep apnea

Posted by Rosedale Dental on Sun, 19 Dec 2021

Sleep apnea is quite prevalent; statistics out of the US quote approximately 12 million people have some degree of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea occurs when the airway is obstructed by the tongue and soft tissues of the throat during sleep. When the airway is constricted and oxygen is not getting into the lungs for circulation to the rest of the body the brain senses this, the heart rate increases and ultimately the person wakes up. When this cycle continues during the night, a sleep deficiency...

Snoring and sleep apnea, Dentist Thornhill, Dental Clinic Thornhill

Why are my teeth yellow?

Posted by Rosedale Dental on Tue, 14 Dec 2021

Teeth come in a variety of hues; even an individual tooth can have a variety of shades within it. Some complain that their teeth are not “white” enough and they would like to whiten or bleach them. In the last 10-20 years society’s idea of white teeth has changed and this can partially be blamed on Hollywood. Anyone we see on TV or in magazines has teeth that are not naturally white. Even dental products have changed over time to accommodate those who want teeth that are the whitest...

Why are my teeth yellow?, Dentist Thornhill, Dental Clinic Thornhill

What you need to know about oral cancer

Posted by Rosedale Dental on Fri, 10 Dec 2021

Oral Cancer is not a rare disease and in fact it is occurring more frequently in a younger population. At one time, oral cancer was associated almost exclusively with tobacco and alcohol use, as well as aging. A dramatic increase in the past few years is believed to be caused by exposure to HPV, specifically HPV 16 which is responsible for more cervical cancers. HPV otherwise known as human papilloma virus has over 100 strains. This virus derives its name from what it can cause-warts otherwise...

What you need to know about oral cancer, Dentist Thornhill, Dental Clinic Thornhill

Which toothbrush is right for me?

Posted by Rosedale Dental on Tue, 7 Dec 2021

When choosing a toothbrush, the best choice is the one that cleans effectively, thoroughly and is comfortable for you to use. Some tips to choose a great toothbrush for you! Soft bristles are over medium or hard bristles. The misconception exists that the harder the bristles the better the toothbrush will clean. The reality is medium and hard bristle toothbrushes have the potential to cause damage, especially if used incorrectly. Proper technique and a soft bristled brush will clean just as...

Which toothbrush is right for me?, Dentist Thornhill, Dental Clinic Thornhill

What is gingivitis?

Posted by Rosedale Dental on Fri, 3 Dec 2021

Simply put, gingivitis is inflammation of the gums. Gingiva refers to the gum tissue that surrounds the teeth. The “itis” means inflammation. Many things in our body can be inflamed such as; appendicitis, tonsillitis, tendonitis, bursitis, etc. In this case, gingivitis is inflammation of the gums; this inflammation is caused by the body’s response to bacteria which is in the mouth. The mouth naturally has millions of bacteria present at any given time, some of the bacteria being harmful...

What is gingivitis?, Dentist Thornhill, Dental Clinic Thornhill

Acid reflux disease and your oral cavity

Posted by Rosedale Dental on Fri, 26 Nov 2021

For those that live with acid reflux disease they are all too familiar with the painful burning sensation that occurs when stomach contents come back up into the oesophagus. Acid reflux disease otherwise known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) may also have others symptoms such as; persistent heartburn, hoarseness, difficulty swallowing, bad breath, regurgitation, sour taste in the mouth and nausea. The high acidity level of the stomach contents has the potential to cause irritation and...

Acid reflux disease and your oral cavity, Dentist Thornhill, Dental Clinic Thornhill

Superfoods that help prevent cavities

Posted by Rosedale Dental on Tue, 23 Nov 2021

It is well known that one of the main factors that encourages tooth decay is sugar. Many people try to limit their intake of sugar, but did you know many carbohydrates that we snack on can also raise your risk of developing a cavity? Certain types of carbohydrates can also increase the chance of tooth decay because as they are chewed they stick onto and in between the teeth where bacteria waits to digest them. Some carbohydrates are better than others. Those carbohydrates that are unrefined...

Superfoods that help prevent cavities, Dentist Thornhill, Dental Clinic Thornhill

Dental lasers can help heal cold, canker and denture sores

Posted by Rosedale Dental on Fri, 19 Nov 2021

Dental lasers are amazing. There are many types of dental lasers, some used for soft tissue, hard tissue or both. Dental lasers that are used on soft tissue can assist in healing oral diseases like gingivitis and periodontal disease by destroying bacteria and initiating healing. Lasers can also remove excess oral tissue like tongue-tie or tight lip attachment, with small amounts of freezing with minimal to no bleeding. One huge benefit of dental lasers is they can assist with healing...

Dental lasers can help heal cold, canker and denture sores, Dentist Thornhill, Dental Clinic Thornhill

Gum recession and periodontal disease

Posted by Rosedale Dental on Thu, 11 Nov 2021

Many people ask me what exactly is gum recession and what causes it. Gum recession is when the gums pull downwards from where they would naturally be connected to the tooth structure. Gum tissue ‘should’ connect to the tooth surface at the interface of the root and crown of tooth. When it pulls down from this area, the soft root is exposed. Sometimes recession can be caused by things that can be corrected, for example in the case, if someone was using a hard toothbrush with poor brushing...

Gum recession and periodontal disease, Dentist Thornhill, Dental Clinic Thornhill

Sensitive teeth?

Posted by Rosedale Dental on Sat, 30 Oct 2021

Teeth can be sensitive due to a variety of reasons but most of the time it is usually due to an irritation to the nerve of the tooth. A tooth or teeth that are sensitive can alert you to a problem that is going on and it is important to have it checked at your dentist. When teeth are or become sensitive it means that the pulp-the inner portion of the tooth where the nerve is-has been stimulated/excited by something. In the case of dental decay, the nerve may become irritated or inflamed...

Sensitive teeth?, Dentist Thornhill, Dental Clinic Thornhill

Why do I have a dry mouth?

Posted by Rosedale Dental on Sun, 17 Oct 2021

Having a dry mouth can be uncomfortable and cause a host of problems within the oral cavity. It is important if you have dry mouth to seek suggestions from your oral healthcare professional to help manage it. Dry mouth is also called Xerostomia and is caused by diminished saliva production by the salivary glands of the oral cavity. Dry mouth can be caused by a variety of factors; A common side effect of prescription medications Due to systemic illnesses such as diabetes, eating...

Why do I have a dry mouth?, Dentist Thornhill, Dental Clinic Thornhill

You only get two sets of teeth

Posted by Rosedale Dental on Tue, 5 Oct 2021

Everyone is born with two sets of teeth; their primary (baby) teeth and their permanent (adult) teeth. Typically a complete set of primary teeth have 20 and a complete adult set (with wisdom teeth) have 32. Both sets of teeth serve a purpose and if lost prematurely may cause problems with the rest of the mouth such as; bite/TMJ issues, shifting/hyper-eruption of other teeth, bone loss and ultimately loss of other teeth in the mouth. The baby teeth typically start erupting by 6 months of age...

You only get two sets of teeth, Dentist Thornhill, Dental Clinic Thornhill

The scary truth behind sports drinks and sports guards

Posted by Rosedale Dental on Mon, 27 Sep 2021

From football players to hockey stars, wrestlers and boxers, mouth guards are worn in many sports to help prevent against head traumas, temporal mandibular joint problems and damage to the oral cavity. Sports drinks help to rehydrate and build up lost electrolytes during those crucial games. With one point on the line, have you ever thought what the combination of wearing a mouth guard and consuming sports drinks is doing to your teeth? Sports drinks contain high levels of sugar and here are a...

The scary truth behind sports drinks and sports guards, Dentist Thornhill, Dental Clinic Thornhill

Myths and Facts About Cavities

Posted by Rosedale Dental on Sat, 18 Sep 2021

Sugar Is the Prime Cause of Cavities Myth. Cavity causing bacteria cause cavities, specifically streptococcus mutants. When you ingest carbohydrates the bacteria in the oral cavity also like to eat them as well, the by-product of this digestion by the bacteria is acid. It is the acid in the mouth that can break down the hardest structure in the human body-enamel. Once the acid penetrates the hard out enamel, an initial cavity has begun and can become much larger over time. Saliva and fluoride...

Myths and Facts About Cavities, Dentist Thornhill, Dental Clinic Thornhill

Why are my teeth sensitive?

Posted by Rosedale Dental on Sun, 8 Aug 2021

Having sensitive teeth is more than a minor inconvenience. When cold or sweet foods have an ‘ouch’ factor, it’s time to tell your dentist. Tooth sensitivity may be an initial sign of something more serious. Sensitivity occurs when the protective enamel shell on the outside of a tooth is damaged, or when receding gums expose the root surface of a tooth to the oral cavity. The root of a tooth does not have the protective enamel layer and is porous, allowing irritants like cold, sweet...

Why are my teeth sensitive?, Dentist Thornhill, Dental Clinic Thornhill

What Are Dental Veneers?

Posted by Rosedale Dental on Sun, 8 Aug 2021

Dental veneers can transform your smile! If you have crooked, broken or chipped teeth, or there is a problem with the colour or shape or spacing of your teeth, dental veneers may be an option to change your smile. What are dental veneers? Dental veneers are very thin, semi-translucent facings made of porcelain that are bonded securely to the front of the teeth. Dental veneers are durable and natural looking. What is the process for dental veneers? After a complete exam by the dentist to...

What Are Dental Veneers?, Dentist Thornhill, Dental Clinic Thornhill

The Importance of Smiling!

Posted by Rosedale Dental on Sun, 28 Feb 2021

If you feel great, a smile comes naturally. It’s an outward sign of joy, amusement, or excitement. Obviously, it is not natural to smile when we’re sad or upset; but it turns out that smiling might be the best thing to do when you’re ready to shift into a brighter mood. And it’s not just for you; each time you smile at a person, their brain coaxes them to return the favour. You are creating a reciprocal relationship that allows both of you to release ‘feel good&#...

The Importance of Smiling!, Dentist Thornhill, Dental Clinic Thornhill

8 Tips To Keep Your Mouth Healthy

Posted by Rosedale Dental on Mon, 7 Dec 2020

Follow these tips to keep your mouth healthy!Brush at least 3x per day, preferably after breakfast, after lunch and after dinner. If you are unable to brush, drink water to naturally cleanse the food from your mouth. This can help prevent cavities.A common side effect of many prescribed medication is dry mouth, otherwise known as xerostomia. This can put you at much higher risk of developing oral diseases such as cavities, gingivitis and periodontal disease. Stimulating saliva helps to cleanse...

8 Tips To Keep Your Mouth Healthy, Dentist Thornhill, Dental Clinic Thornhill

Changes in Dentistry Over the Past 30 Years

Posted by Rosedale Dental on Mon, 7 Dec 2020

Dentistry has changed immensely over the last 30 years. Not only has the equipment, products and services changed but so has the manner in which we provide dental treatment.In the past 30 years there has been a complete paradigm shift from reactive to preventative dentistry. Reactive dentistry deals with treating according to a patient’s symptoms, usually when a disease process is quite far along or advanced. Treating dental disease in this fashion provides poor outcomes for the patient...

Changes in Dentistry Over the Past 30 Years, Dentist Thornhill, Dental Clinic Thornhill

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